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A Land of Culture

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Maimoona Khatoon Class I

India is a land of various castes and cultures. There are lot of things that we learn through these cultures. There are various kinds of people that we meet in our school. The interaction with our peer group helps us to understand the importance of their religion and ours too.

• The kind of people with whom we spend most of our time effects our personalitydirectly. 
• Since, ancient times the evolution ofmankind along with their religion has resultedin the shaping up of the personality.
• We are the representatives of our religion.Our way of talking, thinking and lifestyle allshows the way we have been brought up.• So it is very important that we shouldchoose our peer     group wisely and check thevalues they have. As the surroundingsinfluence our behaviour.

Our country India is very beautiful. It hasvarious places from beautiful hills to highmountains, vast plains to extensive plateaus,small islands to large. Largest country byarea and the second most populated countryin the world.

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