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Pioneer Kids

Every child is special for us at Pioneer Convent. We have developed beautiful wing with latest apparatus for our toddlers. The Montessori Method of education helps ... Full story

Computer Lab

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is an integral part of Pioneer convent curriculum. In this age of Computer Technology, an early exposure to the basics ... Full story

Science Laboratory

Our school has well equipped laboratories to provide quality learning to all the students. We have seperate Physics, Chemistry and Biology laboratories with latest instruments ... Full story


The School encompasses a huge auditorium that can accommodate over 800 people. Numerous recreation activities such as cultural, extracurricular, co-curricular and indoor games are organized ... Full story


An accumulation of rich collection of accumulated wisdom, the library is spacious, centrally located air conditioned room, built on most modern lines, equipped with well-designed ... Full story


Pioneer Convent School has designated and well equipped Infirmary for providing immediate first aid to students. We have qualified doctor who visits the school daily ... Full story


Residing in hostel provides students with the opportunity to experience living in a community dedicated to the academic and personal development of individual members. Hostel ... Full story

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