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Admission Form

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Admission Form can be obtained from the School Office or alternatively downloaded from this page. It must be accompanied by the following documents:-

1. Passport size photograph (one duly pasted on the form and three copies to be provided to office)

2. Attested copy of Birth Certificate (original to be shown at office for verification)

3. Attested copy of marksheets of previous class passed (original to be shown at office for verification)

4. Original Transfer Certificate (TC) for previous class passed (to be obtained from previous school)

5. Attested copy of Identity Proof of any of the Parent (original to be shown at office for verification)

6. Attested copy of Address Proof (original to be shown at office for verification)


Following care must be taken during filling of Admission Form:-

1. Admission Form should be filled by parent only

2. It should be filled in Capital Words

3. It should be filled legibly without cutting / crossing by Blue / Black pen only

4. Contact number of both parents including mobile number and landline number is mandatory

5. Admission Form should be duly signed before submitting  

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